Why we train people to fight greenwash.

‘Greener choice flights’ ✈️

‘Net zero plastic’ 👣

‘Eco friendly packaging’ ♻️

These are all claims made by brands that constitute as greenwash. We explain how and why in our ‘Fighting greenwash’ training at Tuulee.

Greenwashing is growing at a dizzying and worrying speed. And it’s a huge problem. It dilutes consumer trust in companies. It destroys brand reputation. It encourages lazy comms. And ultimately it is slowing down the sustainability progress we so desperately need to speed up.

Most agencies and companies aren’t equipped with the right knowledge to avoid greenwash. Which is why we often we see greenwashing happening because of ignorance, not malice (although not always).

That’s why we provide this training to creative agencies, universities and brand teams. We adapt the format to the group size and expertise, and can deliver the training as a presentation, a workshop or a pre-recorded session which can be used over and over again. We walk through exactly what greenwashing means, give tangible examples, rules to follow, and encourage interactive debates. To equip your teams not to commit greenwash, and to support one another in calling it out.

Get in touch if you’d like to organise a session for you and your team.


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